Asegurate de imprimir a una escala de 100% y hoja tamaño carta.
Download the free balaclava pattern HERE.
Make sure you print it at 100% scale and letter size.
Así es como debes unir las piezas, el cuello es un rectangulo. Corta por la línea directo hasta el final. No necesitas sobreponer las hojas.
This is how you have to join the pattern pieces, you have to cut all the way through the black line to form the rectangle for the neck. You don’t need to overlap the paper sheets.
Haz clic aquí para que aprendas cómo hacer el pasamontañas.
Hello, I hate to ask but would you have this is English would you? Sorry to ask but thank you
Hi Jessica, to download the pattern click on one of the buttons you can see the step by step video on my YouTube channel with English subtitles. Sorry for the late response.
Hi Jessica, to download the pattern click on one of the buttons you can see the step by step video on my YouTube channel with English subtitles. Sorry for the late response.
Saludos Bety, muy interesante tu proyecto, gracias
¡Saludos para tí también!
Hello! I want to make this but minus the interior face piece. Could I cut A and B as one continuous piece and then a complete second piece as a liner? Do you think that would work?
Many thanks and this is a great help!
Hi! You might need to cut A and B separate because you need to cut piece B on the fold unless you want it open as well. If you do want both pieces to be open on the front then yes, you could cut 2 full pieces, one for the liner and 1 for the outer fabric.
Gracias por compartir tu proyecto !!ya comienzo!Par ANDAR EN BICI SON BARBAROS!